Reduce the risk of temperature excursions with savENRG® PCM Packs

What happens when samples are exposed to extreme temperatures?

  1. Delay of frozen samples shipped on dry-icePackages shipped on dry ice must be marked with a hazard label. The carrier generally will apply a dry ice surcharge. Also, most airlines have a restriction on how much dry ice is allowed onboard while freighters may carry more than passenger aircraft. Improper packaging of samples and restrictions on dry ice loading on airlines can lead to samples stranded on the tarmac. This can ultimately result in a delay in providing healthcare and increased cost in procuring another sample. Read more on how to mitigate this risk of delay of frozen samples shipped on dry ice Read more…
  2. Freezing of refrigerated and controlled room temperature (CRT) samplesRefrigerated and CRT samples can easily damage if frozen. Long exposure to winter ambient temperatures and freezing temperatures in airline cargo sections can reduce the temperature of refrigerated samples well below freezing. Read more on how to mitigate this risk of freezing samples Read more…

Ice Packs

Maintain frozen payloads below -20°C (-4°F)

Freezer Packs

Maintain frozen payloads below -5°C (+23°F)

Cool Packs

Maintain refrigerated payloads below +8°C (+46°F)

CRT Packs

Provides freeze protection to CRT loads, maintaining temperature above +15°C (+59°F)

Ambient Packs

Provides overheat protection, maintaining temperature below +25°C (+77°F)